February 2024
Spreading Our Message in a Prestigious French Broadcast
The right humidity level is not a nice to have but essential to keep us healthy. – Our colleagues from Condair France have just managed to well-position this important message in a web TV broadcast. Attended by several renowned national experts, the television interview was met with great interest:
- Sophie Moreau, Director of Strategic Action at the CSTB1,
- “France’s favorite doctor”, Dr. Michel Cymes, in his capacity as an ENT2 physician, and
- Dr. Fabien Squinazi, biologist, and member of the French High Council of Public Health
talked about indoor air quality, a public health issue attracting growing interest.
In this conversation, Sales Director Alban Gomet, on behalf of Condair France, highlighted the importance of defining standards and regulations in France concerning this topic.
Click on the image and check out the video recording with English sub-titles.
Humidity impacts health: Pushing the topic forward step by step“With this broadcast, which went live mid-January, we achieved a milestone in terms of awareness increase in France,” says Marketing Manager Anne Biancarelli.